We are going RED for Red Alert Restart!

We are going RED for Red Alert Restart!

Don't let events go dark! We are joining the national initiative to bring attention to the Live Event and Entertainment Industry by lighting our building RED!

We Make Events North America is a national series of events to raise awareness about the economic plight of all those who work in the live events industry and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on their lives.

We make Events reports;

  • Live events employ over 12 million people.
  • Live events contributes over $1 trillion annually to the US economy.
  • 95% of live events have been cancelled due to COVID-19.
  • 96% of companies have cut staff and/or wages.
  • 77% of people in the live events industry have lost 100% of their income, including 97% of 1099 workers.

We are going RED! You can find out more about this cause by going to and

Sep 1st 2020 AF

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